Tory in Brant

Monday, February 26, 2007

Ineffective Liberal MPP

The shameful display of electioneering witnessed recently at the Brownfield Information session in Eagle Place was a sight to behold. Levac, suddenly passionate about the blight in our backyards, was on hand to sell his so called "Stakeholder Summit" to Brantford residents. The consumate politician was in rare form, from his condescending history lesson on escheatment law to the foul-language laced tirade against some in attendance who dared question his sincerity. What with the 50 plus broken promises previously committed by Dalton McGuinty and his crew, is it any wonder Levac's "passion" is met with skepticism? The idea to get the players in a room together to hammer out a solution may sound familiar. John Tory floated it nearly 6 months ago on his visit to Brantford. He offered his assistance at that time to Levac, to find a solution. Levac has had 8 years to get things done. He's failed. This community needs innovative solutions to move forward, not re-cycled ideas and election promises . That said, Mr. Tory's idea is a good one. We hope this summit does take place. Find a room, lock yourselves in, and get it done. We might even suggest a venue. Dave knows it well, it's at Brantford General, that empty room (like his promises) , still waiting for an MRI.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

End the College Strike Now!

Dalton McGuinty has failed yet again to show leadership on an issue, crucial to the future of the Province of Ontario. A recent attempt to stick out his chin, by staring down Sid Ryan and his fractured C.U.P.E. support, was not lost on those observing Liberal attitudes towards labour strife. Choosing such a weakened opponent on such an obscure issue did little to make the Liberal position clear on labour issues. Witness McGuinty's reluctance to weigh in on the current College strike fiasco. Minister Bentley met with the players on Friday last to make his governments position clear. Still waiting.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Call Pizza Pizza, Hey, Hey, Hey.

Frank Klees commented in the Ontario Legislature, February 23, 2006, "In the greater Toronto area, the quickest way to get a doctor is to call 967-1111". Mr. Klees, easily one of the most charismatic political figures today, certainly has a way with words.

Monday, November 14, 2005

So Dave Levac is having vision problems?

He apparently is suffering from the symptoms brought on by early onset election campaigning. Seemingly non-plussed by his recently failed Highway 403 re-naming fiasco (Seriously, nobody cares Dave!), Mr. Levac wades into the fray of Liberal promises not kept. The features and benefits of such a grand scheme notwithstanding, how in the world could any one of the gathered elite present for Dave’s unveiling, have kept a straight face. The Liberal government game plan of over-promise and under-deliver has to date given Ontario voters 50 broken promises in the two years since it took office. How are we to believe anything Dave Levac promises? Where is the credibility? Let’s first ask Dave what happened to the millions ‘promised’ from his government to support the Laurier/Mohawk project for the downtown. Or. Why do the majority of Brant County schools consistently find their testing results in the bottom 10% of Ontario rankings? Or. Why did your government campaign against public-private partnerships and yet you propose just that in this hare-brained scheme of yours? These questions and many more are what Dave is attempting to draw your attention away from with this ephemeral dream. Community leaders should recognize this for what it is and not waste further time entertaining the whims of a desperate dreamer. Brant voters know reality when they see it. This on the other hand is a dream worthy of interpretation; in fact that monorail could be symbolic of the rail on which voters will ride Dave Levac’s Liberals out of office in 2007.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Rae Accord : Part 2

Nearly twenty years ago Bob Rae found himself in an enviable situation (for an NDP-er that is).
He held the balance of power in a Legislature sharply divided between Tory and Grit. Thus was born the Rae Accord, a wish list of socialist crumbs, that were essentially the Liberal's way of slipping them a 5-spot to get in the door. The door to the Premier's office that is. Well greased palms notwithstanding the Liberals were ready willing and able to sell their souls, as it were, to gain the power they craved for so many years. Years later of course this is seen as nothing short of Liberal 101. Do and say and promise anything to get and keep power. At any cost.
Of course we've recently seen history eerily repeat itself as is its wont, when Mr. Rae again submitted his wish list (this time called a "Review")for post-secondary education to the current Liberal Government in Ontario. Greedy little Liberal hands took these recommendations and promised the moon to higher education in Ontario.
This week we witnessed the wind removed from the sails (apparently necessary to feed the Lib's hot air)of local post-secondary institutions ,Laurier Brantford and Mohawk College's Brantford Campus. Together receiving news that their grand plans for a joint Communications facility Project will in fact not be receiveng any Capital funding, which may or may not have been promised amongst much fanfare not so very long ago.

Liberal MPP Dave Levac promises to get to the bottom of this, just as soon as he climbs down from a freshly painted Brantford "The Telephone City" water tower.

Dave's been spotted lately screaming from the scaffolding at motorists that it's not the 403 you're driving on it's the Alexander Graham Bell Expressway, God****it!
Me thinks the fumes have gone to his head.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Where's Dave?

The Fraser Institute's recent "Ontario Elementary Schools Report Card" contains some shocking and disturbing data that illustrates the sub-standard education that the childen of this community are receiving. The vast majority of Grand Erie District elementary schools can be easily located within the bottom 10% of the nearly 3000 schools ranked in this report. My question? Where's Dave Levac in all this?
What is he doing for the children of this community?What steps has he taken to address this gross disservice?Come on Dave, show us what you're made of.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Ready for action...

Originally uploaded by redsearescuer.
What is possible from this chair may astound. The pen is mightier... blah, blah, blah. Can you feel it?